Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Overview of what is to come

    3. Housekeeping

    4. That image of the car with no brakes

    5. Introductory Quiz--A softball to practice on

    1. 1.1 Responsibility, Answerability, and Explicability

    2. 1.2 Points to Consider

    3. 1.3 The Purpose of Accountability

    4. 1.4 Points to Consider

    5. 1.5 Compliance-Based Accountabilities

    6. 1.6 Points to consider

    7. 1.7 Assignment/PLC Efforts

    8. 1.8 What it Means to be Accountable Quiz

    1. 2.1 Introducing the Idea of a Common Shared Vocabulary

    2. 2.2 Points to consider

    3. 2.3 Benefits-Based Language

    4. 2.4 Points to consider

    5. 2.5 Introducing a Benefits-Based Accountability

    6. 2.6 Points to consider

    7. 2.7 For what and to whom?

    8. 2.8 Points to consider

    9. 2.9 Assignment/PLC Efforts

    10. 2.10 The Current List of Stakeholder Benefits

    11. Common Shared Vocabularies Quiz

    1. 3.1 The Right Form of Accountability

    2. 3.2 Points to Consider

    3. 3.3 Compliance-Based Accountabilities

    4. 3.4 Points to Consider

    5. 3.5 Current School Accountability

    6. 3.6 Points to Consider

    7. 3.7 Benefits-Based Accountabilities

    8. 3.8 Points to Consider

    9. 3.9 Assignment

    10. 3.10 Types of Accountability Quiz

    1. 4.1 Accountability as a Discipline of Leadership: Rising Tides

    2. 4.2 Points to Consider

    3. 4.3 The Albatross Effect

    4. 4.4 Points to Consider

    5. 4.5 The discipline of accounting for our efforts

    6. 4.6 Points to Consider

    7. 4.7 The Story the Evidence Will Show

    8. 4.8 Points to consider

    9. 4.9 The Accountability Narrative

    10. 4.10 Points to Consider

    11. 4.11 Assignment/PLC Efforts

    12. 4.12 Accountability and Leadership Quiz

    1. 5.1 A Quick Note Before We Begin This Module

    2. 5.2 Testing, Hospitals, and Gas Stations

    3. 5.3 Points to Consider

    4. 5.4 Compliance and Effectiveness

    5. 5.5 Points to Consider

    6. 5.6 Square Pegs and Round Holes

    7. 5.7 Points to Consider

    8. 5.8 Analyzing Learning

    9. 5.9 Points to Consider

    10. 5.10 Standardized Test Scores Do Not Contain Their Cause

    11. 5.11 One (and only one) Point to Consider from this chapter

    12. 5.12 The Double Whammy

    13. 5.13 Points to Consider

    14. 5.14 A few details

    15. 5.15 Points to Consider

    16. 5.16 What standardized testing is and all the things it is not (bonus content)

    17. 5.17 Assignment/PLC Efforts

    18. 5.18 Testing Quiz

The bravEd Accountability Mindset Course

  • $30.00
  • 78 lessons

If you don't do a great job accounting for what you do, it risks looking like it never happened

It doesn't have to be that way, which is why bravEd and this course exist